Senior Privacy Investigator
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
I was unable to get back to you until now. I have been mostly laying down for the last few months. I have had someone come to assist me.
I had my typist check several boxes of documents but we did not find all of the documents, we will continue to try to find the accident report from 1997.
As I looked at documents I was struck by how my privacy is so completely and rigorously violated through the creation of completely baseless opinion and criticism. Many of the reports and observations are made by persons or civil servants who are trespassing. They are conducting themselves in such a manner as to be doing what I do not want them to do while they are on my property and thus unless they have judicial authorization they are trespassers. It is their intention to intimidate to create an atmosphere of fear of them and their ability to make things up and to violate the law without any fear of consequences, protected by a refusal to disclose who they are, who sent them and this false concept of privacy protects the unlawful acts of other persons which completely violate my privacy and the rights which I have as the owner of private property.
The violation of my right to privacy began in 1968 or 1970 when Insurance Company lawyers went to the offices of the Canadian National Railroad and convinced a junior clerk, Turner his name was, to destroy my identity, my educational and work history. He said to me “ I threw your paperwork in the garbage”.
When I purchased my property at Otter Point in 1979, local residents repeatedly entered my home, a local resident, Palfrey, undoubtedly burnt my home and possessions, he had threatened the previous owner that he would burn the house. Another local resident, Dennis Ireland, said to me that “he should hate me I lived in the house of the man that got him busted”.
My home which I had worked on myself for eight months, was burned to the ground June 20th 1980. The Capital Regional District informed me that my existing foundation could not be reused as it was now no longer conforming, being 55 feet from Larulla Creek. I found a new home site on the highest point of my twelve and one half acres. The contractor, Cliff Beance, allowed local residents onto the property and they cut down all of the trees between my property and the adjacent Palfrey property. They dug out the creek which had been created by their unlawful dam project, turning it into an unattractive and dangerous three to four metre deep ditch. With the cooperation of Ron Shambrook and my contractor, local residents, Norman Reid, Dennis Ireland, Wilfred Palfrey and several other persons dug a huge hole with an excavator at the base of the hill my home was supposed to be located on and my contractor built my home there, in violation of the site plan and the contract and closer to the creek they had created than my previous home was. Doing this violated numerous regulations of the Canada Construction rules, the book might be called the Canadian Building Code. There is no way that the building inspectors of the Capital Regional District should have allowed this to happen. I made every effort to deal with this situation and what happened was a further violation of my privacy as the offending Capital Regional District Officers started complaining to the RCMP and have brought them to my property without lawful purpose for decades. Each time that a Capital Regional District employee brings other persons with him who are not necessary to for instance to speak to me or serve a document, the act is an act of assault. There is no necessity for anyone to come to my home, my phone number is well known and I have postal service and in addition an address for service box.
I have tried to protect myself from violations of my privacy and from violations of my private property rights. I require complete privacy and I require uninterrupted peace at my home and my business because I am subject to collapse when I am confronted, intimidated, humiliated or most terrible of all made subject to armed intervention through the uttering of falsehoods. Surely there must be some way that I can live somewhere and operate a business as well without being constantly interrupted, harassed and trespassed upon.
It is absolutely the intention of the enforcement officers of the Capital Regional District, the RCMP, Victoria Bylaw Officers and the Victoria Police to scare the living hell right out of me. They expect me to endure trespass, harassment and collapse without saying anything or doing anything to protect myself. The take the ludicrous position that I am harassing them when they come to my property and create a conflict which I absolutely do not intend to let go. I want these persons to be punished as the law dictates, not to lock horns with every other law officer and government official and to be falsely denounced as some mentally ill troublemaker. I do not go to other persons pieces of property and get into conflicts with them. If anyone comes to my property and creates a conflict I want to take legal action against them to obtain compensation for any damage which has been done or for collapse which has been caused and I want to prosecute them because the entire scheme and the actions of everyone involved are criminal.
There is no way that the situation I outlined above should create any privileged or private information or files. I want to find out every single thing that was done or said by every person to the RCMP or whom is an RCMP officer.
I will hirer an employee to search files for the accident report which was fraudulently created by Officer Howse in 1997. Andrew Dolan, the person who brought the RCMP to my home July 26th is a violent and dangerous individual. I am truly in fear that he might come to my home or business and injure or even kill me. He has been on my property on more than one occasion and more than one person was carrying a police baton. What do you think they plan to use these sticks for Mr. J………… Andrew Dolan has been accused of assault on more than one occasion. This is the beginning of our correspondence regarding privacy. Some of these events may be a provincial privacy issue, I will send the Provincial Privacy Commissioner a copy of this letter and I will send copies to anyone else I think should intervene or provide me with information.
Lindon Collard
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