Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Place de Ville, Tower B
3rd Floor
Ottawa Ontario KIA 1H3
August 29 2011
File Number # GA-3952-3-04094/11
REQUEST DENIED: Answers to Privacy Act Complaint Form
Q-4 Reply: My complaint is that information has been accumulated regarding myself which is not disclosed to me when I request the information. The actions and words of Police and other persons indicate that there is prejudicial information held regarding myself.
In some cases persons are complaining about my complaints; a complaint about unlawful behavior cannot be an unlawful complaint. Constantly monitoring, and creating records and entering onto and accosting me on my own property, unless there is a Public Safety emergency or theft or a Judicial Warrant has been issued is an unlawful action. Stalking or criminal harassment are offences which relate to the aforementioned information, it is not clever, it is overtly criminal or negligent to ignore the facts and accuse a person who is dealing with stalking and criminal harassment of criminal harassment because of the measures which are being taken to deal with the situation.
Q-5 Reply: I have made every effort, writing to the RCMP, as soon as the scheme was threatened, in Ottawa, on the advice of my Lawyer Charles Phippen QC; I was literally challenged that false accusations would be made to Police and other Authorities if I would not sign over all of my assets to my ex-wife Betty Collard. She declared her hatred of myself, her father and “all men”. She told me that she had been to see all of the neighbors who had come on to my property and done property damage and that she would spread false stories about me and encourage other persons to make complaints about me to Police and Regional Authority. Since that time in the early 1990’s I have regularly and correctly made application under the freedom of information act and by contacting every Law Officer I could to deal with the situation I was afflicted by. The responses were not of any useful nature and I would characterize the actions of Police Officers who were given the responsibility of dealing with my requests as uncooperative and even intimidating. The RCMP Policy of turning over all complainants about misuse of calls to Police misuse of the records kept by Police or complaints against Police to the same detachment were the prejudicial actions were taken is entirely counterproductive. Regardless of whom I contacted I have never received any meaningful cooperation and I think that persons who will not do their duty complain about the methods which must be used to obtain information when there is not a willing attitude of cooperation.
There are a large number of documents, too many to simply send off on the hope that you will finally do something about the misinformation and false record keeping. Bear in mind that if information is given to Police which is untrue, the person and the information cannot be protected or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are aiding a criminal and participating in a criminal offence. To reiterate, anything which is not true is false, and cannot be lawfully withheld .
Q6-Reply: (see recent attachments) Yes, I have repeatedly notified RCMP and other Government Agencies or Officials of my concerns. Are you aware of the fact that many complaint processes could be conducted by telephone?
Q7-Reply: You are asking for the names of persons who have not responded or have not responded properly to requests or complaints. If I thought that there was a disciplinary process I might be very interested in supplying the aforementioned names. At this point I will say that you have records which can be accessed, I get the impression that you wish to force work onto myself. I suggest that you are being paid to work and I am not.
Q8-Reply: My concerns are that I have been falsely characterized and that in order to accomplish this many false and exaggerated complaints and statements by others are cached in your files. I which to know each and every, and every single bit of the information which you are holding in connection with myself, my activities, my property and regarding fraudulent predictions which were made about what my behaviour would be. I have reached the age of sixty-five years and I have not harmed anyone, is this not long enough that you would realise that the predictions of violence which were used to involve Police are false . The Police are not empowered to enforce obsequiousness or politeness. The Police are suppose to be protecting persons against violence. Many persons who interfere or trespass on private property are told to leave. Any fabrications which are developed in response to being humiliatingly routed are not bonafide complaints. Worse still I have contacted RCMP at the detachment level and that contact has made me aware that persons who complain about being ordered off of private property make totally unrelated, totally false complaints to Police to get even. This includes citizens, By Law Officers and Police. For that reason all of the files must be provided.
Q8-Reply: I expect to receive all information regarding myself in any way.
Q9-Reply: I expect to receive all information regarding myself in any way.
To Conclude: I have records, documents and a daily diary focused directly on the issue which is before us. I created a Supreme Court Writ regarding the creation of false characterization and prevarication and in February 2000, at an interlocutory hearing the precedent was admitted that collusion could be written in a statement of claim in the form of an accusation of conspiracy. At this point Harold Turnham of Turnham, Woodland, Waddell, Raponni
Lindon Collard
In a state of Virtual Paralysis and Collapse, I had to dictate to a typist, please overlook our typos.